In the Beginning or 31 States Ago

There was a time my mind thought of my theoretical worldview. Thoughts formed around my much-traveled life experiences. They were my own and I did not let anyone bother them.
And then I got in a car with 2 other people - 2 other women - to ask people what I thought was a very simple question. Where is God in this place where you live? Where can I find him?
Well, 13 months later I do believe each of us has changed because of this unfinished journey.
For me it began in Gallup NM. So much happened to me on the inside there. And so, I'm going to tell you part of that story through picture and verse. It will be my way of processing what I see glide across my screen when my mind wanders and nothing gets written.
I just have to get the pictures to upload when I want them to! Ahh, technology:o