Looking for God in America.

Friday, June 08, 2007

It's only Friday

and we're in Indiana
There's something to say for highway driving
miles of concrete/asphalt/road
trees, rivers, lakes, ponds, electrical wire
and more road

and we're in Indiana

People are 'talking' to us via our contact email addresses
Dialogue has started
There's some fear to write for the world to see
To share rejection, hope, and belief systems
Does this sound vague?

I listened to an 18-year old young man articulate his belief system without
wanting to the depth of his being for someone to live what they believed
for the good of us all
he's an atheist
and I thought about the adults in his life
the adults in my life
but not living
whatever we believe
Does this sound vague?

Does anyone remember James Byrd Jr.?
Thursday was the 9th anniversary of his murder
on a dirt road in Jasper County TX
I read about it in the top corner of the inner page of USA Today
is there outrage?

It was a reminder to me
that I was looking for God in this country
Looking for God in America

Hammocks in Indiana

Good morning all,
We are an hour ahead of Texas time here and slowly but surely the girls are waking up to a cloudy Indiana day...Pete and Christine's home is a sanctuary of rest and freedom. I just went out and spent some quiet time on the dreamy hammock that I saw last summer and thought about all year long. God is extending appetizers on this journey.

Last night at dinner the five of us talked about how much we have learned and grown since last summer when we met in Portland. There was a lot of pain and brokenness interwoven in the conversation, but light and hope also emerged in the midst of it. The most exciting part of the interaction was realizing that as Laura said, we had all laid down our masks.

This time the trip feels different. We are relaxed in ways that last year we were terror-bound. I am thrilled to see what this different position holds.

One thing I was hoping for was that this project would create more discussion as the journey took place. That hope is being realized. Chris has responded and the discussion is on. He brought on another friend and she has started to talk as well. I hope she will let me share her story with all of you. It broke my heart and angered me...I want you to know, too. Someone from her hometown also checked in and has different views than she and Chris. I would love for these people in the same place to start crossing the religious lines and engage with one another. Maybe that too will happen.

Please talk to us. Tell us your story. Answer the question, "I am new here, can you tell me where I can find God?" Please help us know what you have found out on your journey. We look forward to hearing from you. And if you don't tell us, would you please sit down with someone else and tell somebody. It will be well worth your time.

Love and Light,
Princess Angela

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Arkansas...State #22

Hi all,
It is Tuesday afternoon and we are sitting in San Francisco Bread Co. in Conway, Arkansas blogging before we go to dinner with our friends Hope and John.

We got some great footage of downtown Conway and had an intriguing interview with a Political Science major named Chris on the campus of University of Central Arkansas. He was so well spoken and incredibly passionate about making a difference in his world. He calls himself an atheist and said that the reason he came to that belief was after he was raised in a moderate Southern Baptist home, while he was in the 6th grade, he made a conscious decision based on his observations of the Christians around him that there was more bad to be done by Christianity than good and that the Christians that he knew did not live the way that Christ said to live so why be restricted by something that man made up. He believes that most religious people use their religion to excuse their need to make a difference here because of their extreme focus on the afterlife. I asked him what was his motivation to do good things in light of his belief that there is nothing after this life for him, and he said that because he only has one shot, he wants to make it count and that he is here to help make this world a better place. His buzz word was "positive" and he is looking at going out and doing politics after some time spent in the Peace Corp. He believes that people can work together to create good and that no God is needed for that to occur. He is not against others believing in God, he just thinks that they are making a mistake, but he judges people not on the basis of their professed beliefs but on their actions. He believes that people, no matter their religion, their political affiliation, or their nationality, can come together and make the world a better place.

Chris, if you are reading this, please get back with us. We didn't get your contact info and we want to keep the conversation going.

We are heading to Missouri tomorrow on our way to Indianapolis. We are passing through Memphis, so if we happen to have an Elvis sighting, we'll be sure to stop him and ask the question...we'll let you know how it turns out. Have a great evening and let us hear from you.

Sweet dreams,
Princess Angela

Monday, June 04, 2007

On the Road Again...Leg 2

Good morning all,
This is Princess Angela...
We are leaving on the second leg of our journey in about 7 hours. I can't sleep, I am so excited!!! We are headed Northeast. Our first stop will be state #22, Arkansas. We are going to stop in and visit our friends Hope and John that we met at DTS and then on to visit our Indianapolis friends Pete and Christine that we met last summer in Portland. We will then hit Chicago to drop in on Laura's friends Vann and Amanda and then on to some new states, starting with Michigan. Now this is all subject to change as we learned early on last summer. Stay tuned and for those of you who pray out there, keep us covered...Hope you enjoy the journey...

Love and Light,
Princess Angela




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